通过 iEQ9 九型人格测试,你将了解自己和伴侣的性格特点,以及两人的互动模式。这有助于增进沟通,加深理解和同理心,发现全新的方式来支持彼此,最终让你们的关系更加稳固和圆满。
iEQ9 夫妇报告是一份独一无二、精心打造、高度个性化的 50 页文档,专为你和你的伴侣量身定制。它融合了你们各自独特的视角,引导你们发掘彼此的潜力。
iEQ9 问卷是全球最精准、最全面的九型人格测评。它采用智能且动态适应的方式,根据你的回答调整问题,确保结果的有效性和可靠性。这个智能自我评估大约需要30-40分钟完成,是生成iEQ9情侣报告的基础。
如果你已经对九型人格有所了解,iEQ9 夫妇报告将为你的关系提供更加丰富的视角。该报告涵盖了九型人格的方方面面,反映了你们的核心九型人格类型、本能、亚型、三型、表达中心、压力水平、冲突和社交风格,突出了你们共同的优势,以及你们如何相互补充、更好地合作。
iEQ9 夫妇报告适用于正在恋爱、订婚或已婚的情侣。无论你们处于感情的哪个阶段,只要希望增进彼此的感情,这份报告都是为你们量身打造的。
如果你们渴望加深彼此的羁绊,建立更深层次的connection,更全面地了解对方,并学习新的方式来相互支持,那么这份 iEQ9 九型人格夫妇报告就是专为你们而创建的。让九型人格为你们的感情关系带来全新而独特的视角,一起沉浸在这份甜蜜而精彩的体验中吧。
太棒了!这份报告内容丰富、见解独到,为夫妻关系的成长提供了诸多契机。携手走过三十载风雨,看到报告中的反馈和建议如此准确,我们倍感欣慰和认可。这绝对是一次完美的全垒打!Allan Milham 美国亚利桑那州
真是不可思议。这份报告改变了我们争论的方式,加快了化解矛盾的速度。关键是我们随时可以回顾报告,因为所有内容都明明白白写在那里,无需"他说她说"。太神奇了。我们原本就很好的关系更上一层楼。Keri Miller 南非德班
这份夫妻报告清晰、友好、现代而专业,细节拿捏恰到好处,充满对每个人的尊重。报告为我们提供了清晰的认知、成长的空间、深刻的洞察、前行的希望和携手同行的可能。读完后我们笑个不停,每一句话都让人会心一笑。即便相伴多年,新的理解和认识仍不断涌现。Dorothy Oliver 新西兰怀卡托
这份报告以极其周到的方式,用同理心、好奇心和理论洞见审视个人关系。夫妻必将从中获得醍醐灌顶般的体验,重新点燃投资感情的热情和活力。Claus Roage Olsen 丹麦罗斯基勒
The iEQ9 Couples Report is a personalised report based on you and your partner’s iEQ9 results. It is a 50-page PDF document that reflects the multifaceted subtleties and dynamics that are unique to you and your partner acknowledging both of your strengths and exploring challenges that you face as individuals and as a couple.
The report uses Integrative Enneagram theory and constructs to highlight and explain these similarities and differences, exploring how they influence each partner as well as the relationship. This understanding aims to give the couple a deeper perspective of each other and the dynamics within their relationship. Both individuals play an integral part in each other’s personal growth and influence each other in many complex ways: a couple becomes more than the sum of its parts. Research has shown this process improves relationships by stimulating honest dialogue, increasing understanding, and empowering couples.
The Enneagram is an archetypal framework that offers in-depth insight about individuals, groups and collectives. The observations are more than merely describing behaviour or putting people in boxes, it helps individuals and couples to go deeper and explore the often-hidden motivations that drive one another to act and react in certain ways. According to the Enneagram, there are nine different ways of viewing and experiencing the world; this outlook has a profound influence on how we approach our relationships. We may think we know our partner entirely, but what the Enneagram provides is a tool for seeing one another through fresh eyes, giving us new insights into how we can connect more deeply. These insights can create and stimulate honest dialogue, increase understanding and empower couples to mould a relationship together where both partners feel unconditionally loved, respected and supported.
This is the first ever Enneagram couples report. Being pioneers in the corporate and coaching sphere, Integrative Enneagram Solutions wanted to provide their practitioners with the tool to deliver relational support and guidance to equip the practitioners with the ability to diversify their skills set, expertise and scope of practice. The couples report is a tool for the practitioners to use to help guide the couple to strengthen and unify their relationship. Other websites and authors have tried to explore relationships through the Enneagram lens but no one has created a report that is specifically tailored to two unique individuals. Integrative Enneagram Solutions understands that every relationship has its ups, downs and growing pains, therefore the iEQ9 Couples Report is a tool that holistically and compassionately looks at a couple and provides some insight into some of the everyday issues and challenges that couples may be facing.
There is no “best” combination, each Type has their own gifts and challenges. The Couples Report uses the Enneagram as a tool to guide couples as they begin to explore their inner worlds and gives them the vocabulary to share their discoveries with one another. A couple who constantly updates their knowledge of one another’s love maps are in touch with each other’s needs and perspectives, relate better to one another, and understand themselves more clearly in the context of their relationship.
It is relevant for every couple at any stage or structure. The Couples Report can be used by couples that are dating, engaged, or married. It is designed for any couple desiring to enrich their relationship. We strongly recommend discussing the Couples Report with an accredited Integrative Enneagram practitioner who can support you in understanding the Enneagram and guide you in applying the insights from this report to your relationship. Therefore, the report is applicable at any stage of one’s relationship and there is no prerequisite length of relationship that you have to consider before using the report. Couples also need to do their individual iEQ9 reports as this is the information that is used to generate the Couples Report. The report can guide couples during times of distress and times of difficulties before unresolved issues escalate, however, it is applicable without adversities. If you as a couple just want to strengthen your bond and connection, understand each other better and learn new ways of supporting each other, the Couples Report also sheds light on those.
This Couples Report is specifically tailored for you and your partner. It incorporates each of your unique perspectives and accounts for each of your personal gifts and challenges. It integrates your core Enneagram Types, Instincts, Subtypes, Centers of Expression, Strain levels, conflict and social styles and highlights your shared strengths and how you can complement each other and collaborate better. The iEQ9 Couples Report is personalised to your relationship whereas Enneagram books broadly speak to each Type and what they may ‘look for’ and need but may not take the other factors above into account. The report provides a more holistic and specific account of your relationship rather than just looking at it from one lens, core Types for example. The Couples Report also positions each relationship within 18 common topics that most couples may experience.
The iEQ9 Couples Report is based on the information obtained from the iEQ9 questionnaires that the couples complete. The iEQ9 has been proven by two independent statisticians to be a scientifically accurate measure of the nine different Enneagram Types. Therefore, it has been proven to be statistically valid and reliable. Please see our statistical manual for more information on the statistical significance of the iEQ9 as an assessment tool.
We need both partners to complete the iEQ9 questionnaire as the Couples Report pulls the results together before generating your relationship report. If you or your partner have recent iEQ9 results, then we can use those to generate your couples report. Please use the exact same email address you used for your individual report so that our system can recognize you. If you do not have existing results then we will give you new iEQ9 links as part of your couple's journey.