iEQ9 Enneagram Test for Individuals

Start your transformative journey, unlock your true potential, and live life to the fullest

Reveal your unique personality map with the iEQ9 Enneagram Test. The Enneagram offers a comprehensive roadmap to understanding your deepest inner world, overcoming limiting patterns, and guiding you toward transformation and your highest self.

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iEQ9 Personal Report

Designed to help you flourish

The Integrative Enneagram offers unique clarity about who you are, and how you fit in and interact with the world. It takes only 30 minutes and 175 quick questions for us to uncover your unique awesomeness.

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Discover your strengths and unlock your authentic power.

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Recognise and shift patterns that keep you stuck.

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Uncover development pathways for growth and happiness.

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Increase understanding and compassion for yourself and others.

95% Accurate Test Results

The world’s best Enneagram test

13 years of continuous research from experts in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, and computer science, has resulted in the most scientifically accurate and technically robust personality typing tool on the market. Our adaptive and intelligent Enneagram questionnaires are based on the latest research and validation of over 100 000 people to ensure that we offer an unrivalled level of insight into personality. We provide unmatched potential for personal growth.

iEQ9 Individual Report

Your core Enneagram personality type is just the tip of the iceberg!

Our assessment doesn’t just stop at revealing your personality type: completing your questionnaire unlocks an in-depth report specifically tailored to you, along with resources and tools for growth and development, access to personalised coaching, a community of like-minded individuals, and ongoing support to help you on your journey toward self-improvement.

iEQ9 Individual Report

What you'll discover...

icon checkmark Your unique patterns of thinking, feeling and acting.
icon checkmark The impact your subtype has in shaping your worldview.
icon checkmark Your core motivations, gifts and development areas.
icon checkmark Your potential Blind Spots and deep Core Fears.
icon checkmark Your instinctual behaviour patterns vs cultivating a state of self-awareness.
icon checkmark How to better navigate and adapt to stress.
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Inspiring growth in every area of life

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Enneagram Personal

USD 60

Enneagram test, 23 page personality profile

Use the power of iEQ9 intelligent and dynamic technology to find yourself on the Enneagram map. Discover the layers of your Core Type, Centers of Intelligence (head, heart and gut), Lines, Wings, Subtype and Levels of Integration. Your personal custom report opens up more powerful pathways to development.

Add to cart Purchase now What is included?
  • Core Enneagram Types
    Do you want to get to know yourself better? Identifying your Enneagram Type will help you understand your unique thinking, feeling, and acting patterns. Working with your Type empowers you to take responsibility for your behaviours and growth through a greater understanding of why you act and react the way you do.
  • Motivation, Behaviour, Psychodynamics
    Much more than just a personality profile that tells us how we might behave, the Enneagram highlights the underlying motivations, defence mechanisms, and fears buried in the unconscious layers of the psyche. The Enneagram unlocks potential and change from a deeper level that connects to personal values by enabling us to understand the motivational patterns that drive us.
  • Blindspots, Strengths and Challenges
    Discover your natural strengths which arise from your internal worldview or perspective. This section helps you tap into and appreciate your Enneagram Type's strengths and positive aspects. When harnessed healthily and balanced, these strengths will support your well-being, goals and relationships. No development journey should ignore weaknesses.
  • Centers of Expression
    The Centers of Expression relate to how we show up in the world and how we are likely to be perceived by others. There are three Centers of Expression: Thinking, Feeling and Acting. Exploring the Centers helps you to understand how you process external stimuli, make decisions, and express yourself in relationships. This section identifies your dominant Center and those less prominently expressed, illuminating your primary life strategies.
  • Triadic Center Styles
    There is a particular way in which you engage with your feelings, actions and thoughts, which is flavoured by your Enneagram Profile. You may be most aware of this when you are triggered, confused or when you realise that your gut says one thing, your head another, and your heart something else. The combination of these three gives your personality a different way of expression. Observing and becoming aware of each Center's energy flow can benefit your development and growth.
  • 27 Subtypes
    When your dominant Instinct merges with your core Enneagram Type, the two together is known as your Subtype. Subtypes sheds light on why people with the same Enneagram Type, can behave in different ways. Grasping your Subtype can create an instrumental, detailed and nuanced description of your personality and offers meaningful shifts and targeted development paths.
  • Wing-Influence
    Wing Influence refers to the Enneagram Types adjacent to your core Type, known as your "Wings". While you typically engage both Wings, one is often more dominant for most people. This section details how each Wing can shape your personality and behaviour.
  • Self-Awareness and Integration
    This section reveals your level of integration, indicating the degree to which you're living on 'autopilot' or in a state of self-awareness. For many people, discovering their Enneagram Type is a turning point, as they see for the first time how their Ego has been limiting them and how disconnected they may be from their true Essence. The path of Integrative with the Enneagram is a journey back to Essence, escaping the limitations of personality and connecting to a more unlimited, liberated self.
  • Strain Levels
    Your strain profile reflects your subjective sense of how much stress you experienced at a point in time across five domains:
    • Interpersonal Strain - Evaluating stress within your relationships.
    • Environmental Strain - Measuring stress induced by your environment.
    • Psychological Strain - Your current level of “mental health” stress.
    • Physical Strain - Gauging your physical health's stress levels.
    • Vocational Strain - Determining stress levels related to your work.
    • Happiness - A variable that’s often hard to determine.
  • Lines of Tension and Release
    The Enneagram is much more than nine points or a set of categories or Types. It is a rich, complex psychodynamic framework that provides a powerful model for understanding how people operate, develop and integrate. The Enneagram Lines offer rich potential for exploration and development, as they offer balance and fresh resources to a person’s core Type.
  • Communication
  • Giving and Receiving feedback
  • Feedback Guide for all Types
  • Conflict and Triggers
  • Decision Making
  • Leadership and Management
  • Team Behaviour
  • Coaching Relationships
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Enneagram Professional

USD 120

Enneagram test, 42 page personality profile

How does your unique profile affect you in the workplace and how can you be more effective?

Your personalised Professional Report explores themes like Communication, Leadership and Teamwork and is widely used in business and corporate environments.

Add to cart Purchase now What is included?
  • Core Enneagram Types
    Do you want to get to know yourself better? Identifying your Enneagram Type will help you understand your unique thinking, feeling, and acting patterns. Working with your Type empowers you to take responsibility for your behaviours and growth through a greater understanding of why you act and react the way you do.
  • Motivation, Behaviour, Psychodynamics
    Much more than just a personality profile that tells us how we might behave, the Enneagram highlights the underlying motivations, defence mechanisms, and fears buried in the unconscious layers of the psyche. The Enneagram unlocks potential and change from a deeper level that connects to personal values by enabling us to understand the motivational patterns that drive us.
  • Blindspots, Strengths and Challenges
    Discover your natural strengths which arise from your internal worldview or perspective. This section helps you tap into and appreciate your Enneagram Type's strengths and positive aspects. When harnessed healthily and balanced, these strengths will support your well-being, goals and relationships. No development journey should ignore weaknesses.
  • Centers of Expression
    The Centers of Expression relate to how we show up in the world and how we are likely to be perceived by others. There are three Centers of Expression: Thinking, Feeling and Acting. Exploring the Centers helps you to understand how you process external stimuli, make decisions, and express yourself in relationships. This section identifies your dominant Center and those less prominently expressed, illuminating your primary life strategies.
  • Triadic Center Styles
    There is a particular way in which you engage with your feelings, actions and thoughts, which is flavoured by your Enneagram Profile. You may be most aware of this when you are triggered, confused or when you realise that your gut says one thing, your head another, and your heart something else. The combination of these three gives your personality a different way of expression. Observing and becoming aware of each Center's energy flow can benefit your development and growth.
  • 27 Subtypes
    When your dominant Instinct merges with your core Enneagram Type, the two together is known as your Subtype. Subtypes sheds light on why people with the same Enneagram Type, can behave in different ways. Grasping your Subtype can create an instrumental, detailed and nuanced description of your personality and offers meaningful shifts and targeted development paths.
  • Wing-Influence
    Wing Influence refers to the Enneagram Types adjacent to your core Type, known as your "Wings". While you typically engage both Wings, one is often more dominant for most people. This section details how each Wing can shape your personality and behaviour.
  • Self-Awareness and Integration
    This section reveals your level of integration, indicating the degree to which you're living on 'autopilot' or in a state of self-awareness. For many people, discovering their Enneagram Type is a turning point, as they see for the first time how their Ego has been limiting them and how disconnected they may be from their true Essence. The path of Integrative with the Enneagram is a journey back to Essence, escaping the limitations of personality and connecting to a more unlimited, liberated self.
  • Strain Levels
    Your strain profile reflects your subjective sense of how much stress you experienced at a point in time across five domains:
    • Interpersonal Strain - Evaluating stress within your relationships.
    • Environmental Strain - Measuring stress induced by your environment.
    • Psychological Strain - Your current level of “mental health” stress.
    • Physical Strain - Gauging your physical health's stress levels.
    • Vocational Strain - Determining stress levels related to your work.
    • Happiness - A variable that’s often hard to determine.
  • Lines of Tension and Release
    The Enneagram is much more than nine points or a set of categories or Types. It is a rich, complex psychodynamic framework that provides a powerful model for understanding how people operate, develop and integrate. The Enneagram Lines offer rich potential for exploration and development, as they offer balance and fresh resources to a person’s core Type.
  • Communication
    The ability to communicate effectively is one of the critical competencies for professional success. Look at your listening habits, verbal communication style, non-verbal cues (body language) and written communication tendencies. Communication style includes your Meta-Message, the underlying message you may be communicating to others—a message people can notice from your tone, content, and intention.
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback
    Gain insight into your style of giving and receiving feedback—a critical link in the chain of professional performance improvement and effectiveness. It guides you on harnessing your strengths while conveying constructive information, alerts you about potential pitfalls to avoid and anticipates your reactions when faced with challenging messages from others.
  • Feedback Guide for all Types
    Everyone seeks effective methods to deliver "constructive criticism" to individuals distinct from us. This section furnishes you with tailored advice on your communication style, offering prompt guidelines to refine, adjust, and strategize your approach to providing feedback to people of known types.
  • Conflict and Triggers
    We all respond to conflict differently and have different triggers that induce conflict. By understanding your response to conflict and potential triggers, you can develop your unique conflict resolution strategies. Once you become aware of your unhelpful and destructive patterns, rather than reacting blindly to triggers, you can begin working towards a more grounded, intentional response to these situations.
  • Decision Making
    The report comprehensively analyses the interplay between your Center of Intelligence, Enneagram Type, and level of Strain. This synthesis provides nuanced insights into how these key aspects shape your ability to make decisions. It investigates your decision-making tendencies informed by your Enneagram traits and dominant Center of Expression, to help you better understand and optimise your decision-making strategies.
  • Leadership and Management
    The Strategic Leadership section delivers insights into your leadership style, exploring facets like vision development, strategic thinking, assessing group alignment with goals, and managing organisational change. Uncover your strengths and areas for growth as a leader.
  • Team Behaviour
    Your behaviour in a team is the basis of discovering your preferred role in the team, as well as what your impact is on your team’s achievements. This section examines how you function at the 4 Stages of Team maturity, your impact on the team, and your preferred goals and team role.
  • Coaching Relationships
    The Coaching Relationship section provides insights into your dynamics within a coaching context. Whether you have a business or life coach, or plan to engage one, this segment guides you towards enhancing these interactions.

Our 175 questions should not take you longer than 30 minutes to complete—take the first step toward discovering your awesomeness and start your iEQ9 Enneagram personality assessment today! You'll be glad you did.

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How our iEQ9 test has impacted lives

Hear it from our coaches

Olivia Macler Thumbnail
The Integrative Enneagram has been an absolute game-changer in my personal development. It allowed me to put language to my internal feelings and nature so I could see patterns about myself more objectively. By knowing my core motivations and behavioral patterns, I can actively work to push myself to be more integrated. Although I'm still new to this, I'm already seeing the enneagram work wonders in my life!
Olivia Macler Petaluma, United States
Carrie Kish Thumbnail
The iEQ9 is so accurate it's spooky. The Integrative Enneagram approach is truly designed for professionals and makes the Enneagram accessible, appropriate, and extremely effective to use for executive coaching and team development
Carrie Kish Madison, United States
Bonita Nuttall Thumbnail
Using the iEQ9 is like standing in front of a billboard-sized mirror that accurately reflects the heart and truth behind our motivations in who we are and why it is that we do/have done what we've done. Scary? Yes, but profound, life-changing and powerful.
Bonita Nuttall Developmental Coach, New Zealand

Curious about the nine Enneagram personality types?

Discovering your Enneagram Type can be a transformative experience, allowing for a deeper understanding of yourself and your interactions with the world. By revealing your strengths, weaknesses, and unconscious motivations, the Nine Types Model can pave the way for greater self-awareness and acceptance.

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Enneagram Type Wheel
Enneagram Type 1 Enneagram Type 2 Enneagram Type 3 Enneagram Type 4 Enneagram Type 5 Enneagram Type 6 Enneagram Type 7 Enneagram Type 8 Enneagram Type 9
icon arrow Click a number to see it's personality description
seeks a world that is structured. Valuing facts, precision and clarity, they avoid mistakes and strive for improvement.
wants to be helpful and supportive. They are warm, giving, people-oriented, and have big hearts, sensing when others are struggling.
Competitive Achiever is a 'doer'. They tend to be practical, success-oriented and task-driven. They make effective plans to reach their goals and success.
Intense Creative searches for meaning, depth and authenticity. They are emotionally sensitive, attuned to their environment, and a creative, expressive individual.
Quiet Specialist is a logical thinker, observing and exploring how the world works. A private individual who values knowledge.
Loyal Skeptic values trust, responsibility and loyalty. Their need to feel safe means they easily tune into potential danger and think in sceptical ways.
Enthusiastic Visionary Fast-minded futurist. They want to experience all the good in life, lighten up the mood and move things forward.
likes to lead and move obstacles out of the way. They are guarded but caring and protective of those around them.
Adaptive Peacemaker is the glue between people with their friendly, grounding and stable demeanour. They struggle to say no, and often avoid conflict.

We've helped over
450 000 people around the globe to
develop their true potential

Helping more than 450 000 people around the globe Helping more than 450 000 people around the globe

Any successful journey of personal growth starts by first understanding ourselves better. The Integrative Enneagram allows you to uncover the patterns of behaviour that subconsciously drive and motivate you to behave in certain ways. By making these motivations conscious, you are able to transcend them and develop richer, more supportive ways of being.

Why choose the iEQ9 over other personality tests?

Why choose the iEQ9 over other personality tests?

While all personality typing tools share a common goal of increasing self-awareness and understanding, they have very different approaches and focuses.

Many models oversimplify the complexities of human behaviour in an attempt to neatly categorise individuals. Other models may focus too heavily on positive psychology at the expense of ignoring areas of weakness.

The Enneagram offers a more holistic and nuanced approach to personality typing. With our assessment, you will gain valuable insights into your unique personality type and learn how to leverage your strengths to achieve success, overcome challenges, and reach your goals and fulfilment in all areas of your life.

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Our community of over 4500 professional coaches and OD practitioners can help

Experienced Accredited Enneagram coaches can facilitate your development and ensuring that you get maximum benefit from your iEQ9 Reports.

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Work with our iEQ9 practitioners for life coaching to support your personal or relationship growth

Let our coaches help unlock your full potential. Delve deeper into your iEQ9 Enneagram reports with our certified expert coaches. Their one-on-one personalised guidance allows for profound self-discovery and personal growth. Embark on an Enneagram debrief or coaching journey of transformation not just for yourself, but for your family or relationships. Our coaches have years of experience helping their clients with the Enneagram and our iEQ9 tools and will help you navigate through your internal landscapes, helping you to better understand yourself fast track your growth and transform.

Graphic Practitioner Coach

Work with our iEQ9 practitioners for Executive and Team coaching to propel your leadership and team’s effectiveness forward

Our exceptional and experienced Enneagram coaches can facilitate your leadership development and fast-track insights, ensuring that you get maximum benefit from your iEQ9 Professional Report. Our certified coaches are armed with the tools to help you professional world by unlocking your leadership potentials and break down barriers in team dynamics. They can delivery Enneagram Team workshop that facilitate a deep understanding of team dynamics, allowing for growing interpersonal and team awareness, tapping into team gifts, and ultimately enabling teams to express their purpose and potential.

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If you are a coach or OD practitioner and want to use our iEQ9 tools with your clients then join our thriving Enneagram Practitioner Community

The Integrative Enneagram is a game-changing coaching tool that enables practitioners to quickly guide clients into radical insights and support deep, long-term development journeys. If you want to increase your effectiveness with individual and team coaching, fast-track the coaching process and improve results, then our iEQ9 accreditation is for you. Join over 4500 iEQ9 practitioners globally. Attend our iEQ9 Accreditation training and gain the practical skills to use the Enneagram and iEQ9 tools to transform your leaders and coaching clients.

Your Journey. Our Commitment.

Your Journey. Our Commitment

Here at Integrative Enneagram Solutions, your journey matters to us. With the iEQ9 Enneagram Test, you're not just getting a test: you're investing in a tool for lifelong growth and understanding, a tool designed with care, accuracy, and backed by science. You're investing in yourself.

Uncover the authentic you. Embrace your journey with the iEQ9 Enneagram Test today. Because you're worth it.

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Frequently asked questions

Free Enneagram tests? Sure, they're tempting. But, let's face it—they're the fast food of personality assessments. They may satisfy your immediate curiosity, but leave you with little substance and a hunger for more. Worse, they often misuse your personal details for dubious marketing tactics. Can you trust them? We'll let you decide.

To ensure that our enneagram tests are accurate, scientifically valid and, most importantly, beneficially meaningful to our clients: it is necessary that we charge a fee. Our high standard is maintained by statistical validation, big data and scientific test-retest methodology to constantly improve results. Created by leading Enneagram expert Dirk Cloete, the iEQ9 is the key to unlock your true potential.

Anyone who wants to use the Enneagram to know themselves at a truer level, the iEQ9 is for you, whether you’re uncovering the Enneagram for the first time, or you have been studying it for a while. Some people, after taking our assessment, have realised that they had previously been mistyped and find out why. If you don’t know your type, that’s okay! With the guidance of iEQ9 you can reveal your true Type with amazing accuracy, furthermore you can unlock the understanding of why you do the things you do.

Our assessment is backed by extensive research and is constantly updated with the latest insights from psychology, mindfulness and neuroscience. You can trust that our full report and results are valid, accurate and reliable. Our psychometry experts and data scientists have spent +13 years perfecting our assessment, ensuring that it is not only the most accurate test (+95%) but also user-friendly and accessible to everyone. You don't have to take our word for it—take the word of the American Journal of Psychiatry.

The Enneagram is a powerful, internationally recognised coaching tool encompassing nine diverse archetypes of leadership rather than a single style, or assumption, of what good leadership looks like. Each of the nine Enneagram Types represents a worldview and an archetypal way of thinking, feeling and acting in relation to the world, others and oneself. It is more than a profile of traits or behaviours, as it delves deeper into the motivations, defences and fears that lie in the often-unconscious area of our personality.

Like all self-report questionnaires, there is an element of subjectivity involved in respondent results. To ensure that results are as reliable as possible, the Integrative Enneagram Questionnaire has built in reliability measures relating to consistency, honesty and time. Client feedback is that the iEQ9 is a revolutionary assessment tool which is very reliable and highly accurate. Integrative regularly reviews questionnaire items and continues to improve accuracy.

The Enneagram can be a valuable tool for professional development and career growth as it provides a deep understanding of individual strengths, weaknesses, motivations, and communication styles. By identifying their Enneagram type, individuals can better understand their professional behaviour and enhance their performance, relationships, and leadership skills.