iEQ9 Enneagram Test

Zone in on your True Self with the iEQ9 Enneagram Test: A Comprehensive, Nuanced Personality Assessment

How often do you feel disconnected from your purpose, strengths and relationships? The Enneagram, a powerful personality system combining ancient wisdom with modern psychology, offers a solution. The iEQ9 Test, the most accurate Enneagram assessment, provides an in-depth exploration of your core self, helping you uncover your unique personality structure and guiding you on a path of self-discovery and growth.

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iEQ9 Enneagram Test

The Significance of Personality Tests

"Everybody has one—a personality, that is—and yours will help determine the boundaries of your success and life fulfillment. Do you recognize that your essence and personality are your most important assets? It has already helped shape your experiences and will continue to do so for the rest of your life." (Schultz & Schultz, 2012, p. 2)

Personality assessments, such as the Enneagram, are critical for consciousness development and the path of self-discovery. It provides a framework for exploring your inner-self, based on established psychological principles and research, giving a systematic way to understand your key personality traits and behaviors.

The Enneagram stands out as a uniquely sense-making tool for self-discovery. This comprehensive system explores the core motivations (like "I need to express myself authentically"), fears (like "others controlling me"), and desires that shape your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. By shining a light on these fundamental drivers, the Enneagram offers a roadmap for personal growth and transformation. Learn more about dispelling common Enneagram myths.

Through a careful examination of your patterns and tendencies, the Enneagram reveals aspects of yourself that may have been hidden, acting as a catalyst for self-reflection. This revealed and awakened awareness empowers you to confront limiting beliefs, harness untapped strengths, and chart a course for intentional development. Explore the Enneagram Centers and their role in self-discovery.

The Significance of Personality Tests
The Enneagram provides a shared language for understanding and discussing personality

"We already know how important personality is. Everything you have achieved so far, your expectations for the future and even your general health are influenced by your personality and the personalities of the people with whom you interact." (Schultz & Schultz, 2012, p. 2)

The Enneagram provides a shared language for understanding and discussing personality, developing deeper connections and empathy in relationships. Discover the communication styles of the nine Enneagram types and learn how to bridge communication gaps. Recognizing the core drivers and needs associated with each Enneagram type, you can communicate with greater clarity, navigate conflicts effectively, and build stronger, more compassionate relationships. Explore how the Enneagram can enhance your romantic relationships.

The Enneagram provides a shared language for understanding and discussing personality

The significant impact of personality assessments, especially the Enneagram, goes beyond simple self-awareness – they encourage purposeful living.

"A theory provides the framework for simplifying and describing empirical data in a meaningful way. A theory can be considered a kind of map that represents the data in their interrelationships. It attempts to bring order to the data, to fit them into a pattern." (Schultz & Schultz, 2012, p. 19)

The Enneagram shows us such a compass, providing a clear and coherent framework for understanding the complexities of personality.

Benefits of Self-Awareness:

Benefits of Self-Awareness
  • Improved decision-making
  • Enhanced career success by aligning your natural strengths and motivations with your chosen path.
  • Stronger, more fulfilling relationships through clarifying your own and others' needs and communication styles

Revealing your personality deeply is more than just an intellectual pursuit; it's the foundation for emotional intelligence and personal development. For example, knowing your communication style can help you express yourself more effectively and avoid misunderstandings in your personal and professional life.

The true value of self-knowledge lies in its ability to positively transform the quality of our lives and our happiness. When individuals gain a clear knowledge of their strengths, weaknesses, and core values, they are better equipped to make decisions that lead to a more authentic, resilient, and purposeful life. For instance, someone who discovers their passion for helping others through the Enneagram may choose to pursue a career in a helping profession, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment.

"The goal of the human soul is conquest, perfection, security, superiority. Every child is faced with so many obstacles in life that no child ever grows up without striving for some form of significance." - Alfred Adler

The iEQ9 is an Enneagram assessment

The iEQ9 is an Enneagram assessment that uses a 175-question test to help users understand themselves and their Enneagram type. Here are some key points about the iEQ9:

  • Core Enneagram Type: Identifies your unique pattern of thinking, feeling and action patterns, as well as your blind spots, worldview, core fear, gifts and challenges.
  • 27 Subtypes & Instincts: Identifies your subtype and describes how it affects the way you see and relate to the world.
  • Centers of Expression: Helps you understand your dominant Center and how you use it to express yourself.
  • 6 Dimensions of Strain (Stress Levels): Determines how much stress you're experiencing in the following 5 areas: Interpersonal Strain, Environmental Strain, Psychological Strain, Physical Strain and Vocational Strain.
  • Communication: Includes your listening behaviors, verbal communication, non-verbal communication (body language), written communication and your Meta-Message.
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback: Gives valuable information on how you give and receive feedback, including how to use your strengths when giving helpful information, the things you should be careful to avoid when giving feedback and how you are likely to react when receiving hard messages from others.
  • Feedback Guide for All Types: Provides specific tips about how you communicate to others.
  • Team Behavior: Tells you how you're likely to function within Tuckman's 4 Stages of Team Development: Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing.
  • Leadership and Management: Examines how your self-awareness, integration and Enneagram Type affect your leadership.
  • Strategic Leadership: Gives you valuable information on how you function as a leader in an organization.
  • Decision Making: Examines how your Center of Expression (Center of Intelligence), your Enneagram Type and your level of Strain (Stress) affect your decision-making ability.
  • Coaching Relationship: Tells you how you function in a coaching relationship and how you can improve it.
  • BONUS: Customized Development Exercises: Gives you type-specific guidance on how you might be able to improve in different areas.
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The iEQ9 is an Enneagram assessment a 175-question test to help users understand themselves and their Enneagram type

The Transformative Power of Personality Assessments

Personality assessments are valuable tools in the quest for self-discovery. They provide a framework for exploring your inner self, based on psychological principles and research. These assessments offer a systematic way to understand your key personality traits.

The Enneagram is a powerful tool for self-discovery that investigates the core motivations, fears, and desires that shape an individual's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. For example, an Enneagram Type 2 (The Considerate Helper) may be driven by a core desire to be loved and needed, which can manifest in a pattern of prioritizing others' needs over their own.

The Enneagram's strength lies in its ability to uncover hidden aspects of the self. For instance, an Enneagram Type 5 (The Quiet Specialist) may discover that their tendency to withdraw and observe from a distance stems from a deep rooted fear of being overwhelmed or exhausted by the demands of the world.

Self-awareness gained through the Enneagram can lead to personal growth in various ways:

  • Identifying and challenging limiting beliefs that hold you back
  • Recognizing and developing your natural strengths
  • Setting intentional goals aligned with your authentic self
Personality assessments are valuable tools in the quest for self-discovery

"We already know how important personality is. Everything you have achieved so far, your expectations for the future and even your general health are influenced by your personality and the personalities of the people with whom you interact." (Schultz & Schultz, 2012, p. 2)

The Enneagram creates a common language for discussing personality

The Enneagram creates a common language for discussing personality, which can lead to more effective communication and conflict resolution. For example an Enneagram Type 8 (The Active Challenger) values direct communication and may come across as blunt can help their colleagues adapt their communication style to minimize misunderstandings.

Beyond self-understanding, the Enneagram can be a powerful catalyst for making life choices that align with your values and purpose. For instance, an Enneagram Type 4 (The Intense Creative) who deeply values authenticity and self-expression may choose a career path that allows them to creatively express their unique perspective.

Cultivating self-awareness through the Enneagram can also enhance your adaptability and resilience in the face of life's challenges. An Enneagram Type 9 (The Peacemaker) who becomes aware of their tendency to avoid conflict may learn to assert themselves more effectively, leading to better outcomes in their personal and professional relationships.

The Enneagram creates a common language for discussing personality

As noted by Cattell, "A theory provides the framework for simplifying and describing empirical data in a meaningful way. A theory can be considered a kind of map that represents the data in their interrelationships. It attempts to bring order to the data, to fit them into a pattern." (Schultz & Schultz, 2012, p. 19)

The Enneagram offers a blueprint for clarifying how different personality traits and motivations interact to create distinct patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior.

Enneagram vs. Other Personality Tests

The Enneagram is a unique personality assessment that offers a comprehensive map of an individual's core motivations, strengths, and growth opportunities. While other popular personality tests like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Big Five, and the Strengths Finder provide useful insights, the Enneagram goes deeper into the underlying drivers of behavior.

The Enneagram's holistic approach considers the complex interaction of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, providing a more complete picture of an individual's personality. For example, the Enneagram recognizes that an individual's core beliefs and fears can strongly influence their actions, while other tests may focus more on surface-level traits.

Showing the Differences

The MBTI primarily focuses on four dichotomies of personality traits, such as introversion vs. extraversion, but does not provide a clear path for personal growth. The Strengths Finder, as the name suggests, emphasizes identifying and leveraging an individual's strengths, but may not adequately address areas for improvement. The Big Five model, although well-researched, does not fully capture the nuances and potential for change that the Enneagram addresses.

The Enneagram's insights can be particularly valuable for building strong, empathetic relationships, for example being less impatient with another's need to express their emotions. By sensing how individuals with different Enneagram types perceive and interact with the world, we can communicate more effectively and build stronger connections.

Enneagram vs. Other Personality Tests

What Makes the Enneagram Different?

The Enneagram: A Map of your unique Personality

The Enneagram takes a holistic approach, recognizing that personality is more than just a fixed type. It sees your personality as something fluid and evolving from your core being.

The Enneagram acknowledges that personality is not a static construct but rather a dynamic expression of an individual's core self. This means that while individuals may have a dominant Enneagram type, they can exhibit traits of other types and evolve over time. For instance, an Enneagram Type 6 (The Loyal Sceptic) may learn to embrace their inner courage and take more risks, demonstrating growth and integration.

The Enneagram goes beyond surface-level preferences to explore the core beliefs, emotions, and coping mechanisms that shape an individual's worldview. For example, an Enneagram Type 2 (The Considerate Helper) may be driven by a core belief that they must put others' needs before their own to be loved and accepted. For more detailed insights and to bust common myths, explore our article on Myth-busting the Enneagram Types. Recognizing this belief can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and self-acceptance.

While some models, like StrengthsFinder, focus primarily on leveraging strengths, the Enneagram emphasizes the importance of developing all aspects of the self. This means acknowledging and working on areas that may be underdeveloped or unconscious. For example, an Enneagram Type 3 (The Achiever) may need to learn to value rest and self-care, not just achievement and success.

The Enneagram: A Map of your unique Personality

As noted by Maslow, the Enneagram "recognizes the uniqueness of personality rather than proposing generalities or similarities for large groups of people." (Theories of Personality - 10th Edition, 2012, p. 151)

This emphasis on individual uniqueness is a key strength of the Enneagram approach.

The Distinctive Features of the Enneagram

Beyond Labels: A Dynamic View of Personality

The Enneagram recognizes that personality is not fixed but rather fluid and constantly evolving. For example, an individual who identifies as an Enneagram Type 4 (The Intense Creative) may find that their personality expression shifts over time, incorporating more traits of their neighboring types, such as Type 3 (The Competitive Achiever) or Type 5 (The Quiet Specialist).

The Enneagram framework helps us understand the complex relationships between personality, growth, and transformation. It shows how our core motivations, fears, and coping strategies influence our behavior and how we can consciously develop and evolve.

The nine Enneagram types are not isolated categories but are interconnected, each influencing the others. For instance, an Enneagram Type 9 (The Adaptive Peacekeeper) may have a strong connection to their Type 1 (The Strict Perfectionist) wing, which can influence their decision-making and drive for perfectionism.

Integrative Enneagram wheel of nine types
  • Wings: The neighboring types that influence and shape an individual's expression of their core type.
  • Instinctual Subtypes: Reflecting the fundamental drives and needs that underlie behavior.
  • Centers of Intelligence: The Head, Heart, and Body, each representing a distinct mode of perceiving, processing, and responding to the world. Knowing your dominant center can provide valuable insights into your decision-making style, emotional responses, and overall approach to life.

The Enneagram recognizes that personal growth significantly influences how we express our personality. The model outlines different levels of development, from unhealthy, maladaptive behaviors to healthy, self-actualized states. As individuals progress through these levels, they may find that their personality expression becomes more flexible and less constrained by the limitations of their core type.

"Taking the iEQ9 Enneagram Test was a turning point for me. As a Type Six(The Loyal Sceptic), I was always aware of my cautious nature, but the test revealed deeper blind spots I hadn't recognized—my tendency to avoid leadership roles due to an underlying fear of failure. This realization was eye-opening.
With guidance from my iEQ9 coach, I challenged myself to step up at work and lead a project. The success that followed not only helped me confront my fears but also empowered me to actively work on overcoming them. Discovering these blind spots has been crucial for my personal growth, helping me evolve into a more confident and proactive individual."

This growth-oriented perspective empowers individuals to take charge of their personal development, recognizing that they have the capacity to consciously evolve and transcend the limitations of their personality type. For young professionals in the tech-driven smart office, to learn about the heart of the Enneagram's growth-oriented framework can provide a meaningful map for personal and professional development, helping them navigate the challenges of a demanding work environment.

The Enneagram's integration and disintegration points shed light on how individuals may respond to life's challenges and opportunities. For example, under stress, an Enneagram Type 7 (The Enthusiastic Visionary) may move toward unhealthy Type 1 behaviors, becoming more critical and perfectionistic. By recognizing these patterns, individuals can develop greater self-awareness and learn to respond more adaptively to stress.

The Enneagram illuminates patterns of integration

Knowing the Enneagram's integration and disintegration patterns can be particularly valuable for professionals in high-pressure environments like Silicon Valley. By recognizing their stress patterns, individuals can proactively manage their well-being and maintain resilience in the face of challenges.

The Enneagram illuminates the patterns of integration and disintegration that characterize an individual's movement along the levels. It maps the specific shifts in cognition, emotion, and behavior that occur as individuals navigate the challenges and opportunities of their growth journey. This dynamic understanding of personality empowers individuals to meet their present moment with greater self-awareness, resilience, and adaptability.

The Enneagram's dynamic approach to personality enables individuals to adapt and thrive in the face of life's challenges. By providing a framework for understanding how our personality expresses itself in different contexts and how we can consciously grow and evolve, the Enneagram equips us with the self-awareness and resilience needed to navigate an ever-changing world.

The Enneagram illuminates patterns of integration

As Allport noted, "Personality theorists have usually considered completeness to be their major theoretical goal, and we have seen that some theories come closer to achieving this than others." (Theories of Personality - 10th Edition, 2012, p. 427)

The Enneagram's comprehensive and holistic approach to personality brings it closer to this goal of completeness than many other frameworks.

The iEQ9 Enneagram Test: A ground-breaking, intelligent and dynamic questionnaire

The iEQ9 Test leads the field in Enneagram assessments, crafted with adaptive technology that truly sets it apart. Drawing from an extensive database of over 2,000 questions, we have meticulously distilled this into a focused 175-item questionnaire. This precision allows us to dynamically adapt each questionnaire specifically to the individual, providing complex layering, precise insights into the nuances of personality structures. Our sophisticated, real-time responsive algorithm enhances both the accuracy and the user experience, distinguishing the iEQ9 from all other personality assessments. The test goes beyond simple type identification by assessing an individual's core type, subtype, instinctual drives, and level of development, offering a holistic profile of their unique personality configuration.

"Rogers believed that although not everyone is successful in attaining hope, purpose, wisdom, and the other virtues, we all have the potential to do so. Nothing in our nature prevents it." (Theories of Personality - 10th Edition, 2012, p. 128)

The iEQ9 Test offers a unique opportunity for self-discovery, guiding individuals through a series of carefully designed questions and utilizing advanced algorithms to uncover their core motivations, emotional patterns, and behavioral tendencies. The test results provide a detailed analysis of an individual's Enneagram profile, including their dominant type, wing influences, instinctual subtype, and level of integration.

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The iEQ9 Enneagram Test

The Benefits of the iEQ9 Test

The iEQ9 Enneagram Test incorporates the modern advancement in personality research, technology, and psychological theory

The iEQ9 Enneagram Test incorporates the modern advancement in personality research, technology, and psychological theory. The test employs sophisticated AI algorithms and data analytics to provide highly accurate and nuanced insights into an individual's personality structure. For example, the iEQ9 utilizes machine learning to consistently improve its type detection accuracy based on a growing database of verified Enneagram types.

One of the key strengths of the iEQ9 is its focus on practical, actionable guidance for personal growth. The test provides detailed suggestions for development tailored to an individual's specific Enneagram profile. These personalized growth paths offer strategies for overcoming challenges, leveraging natural strengths, and developing personal and professional development. For instance, an Enneagram Type 9 (The Adaptive Peacemaker) might receive guidance on asserting their needs and setting healthy boundaries, while a Type 3 (The Competitive Achiever) might be encouraged to prioritize self-care and intrinsic motivation.

The iEQ9 is built on a strong foundation of scientific research and empirical validation. The test was developed by a team of psychologists, neuroscientists, and psychometricians who employed rigorous methodologies to ensure its reliability and validity. Ongoing validation studies, such as confirmatory factor analysis and test-retest reliability assessments, demonstrate the iEQ9's consistent performance and predictive power. For example, a recent study found that the iEQ9 accurately predicted participants' verified Enneagram types with an 82% success rate, surpassing the accuracy of other leading Enneagram assessments.

The iEQ9 offers a high level of detail in its analysis of Enneagram type, subtype, instinctual variants, and wing influences. This granular approach allows for a nuanced understanding of how these different elements interact to shape an individual's unique personality profile. For instance, two individuals who share a core Enneagram type may express that type quite differently based on their dominant instinctual drive (e.g., self-preservation vs. social) and the influence of their wing types.

The iEQ9 is built on a strong foundation of scientific research and empirical validation.

The iEQ9 represents an innovative synthesis of human insight and technological progress. The test's AI algorithms are continuously updated based on the latest research in personality psychology and machine learning, ensuring that the insights provided are always at the forefront of the field. This dynamic approach allows the iEQ9 to evolve alongside our growing knowledge of human personality, providing users with an assessment that is as up-to-date and precise as possible.

As with any self-report assessment, the accuracy of the iEQ9 can be influenced by an individual's self-awareness and honesty in responding. It is important to approach the test with a mindset of openness and self-reflection for the most accurate results. While the iEQ9 provides valuable insights, it should be used as a tool for personal growth and self-discovery rather than a definitive label or a substitute for professional guidance in high-stakes situations.

The Scientific Rigor Behind the iEQ9

Integrative9, the creators of the iEQ9, have made scientific validation a top priority in the development of their Enneagram assessment. The iEQ9 has undergone rigorous statistical analyses to ensure its reliability and validity, setting it apart from other Enneagram tests.

The validation process began with a careful item generation and content validation phase, ensuring that the iEQ9 items accurately represent the core traits and motivations of each Enneagram type. The test's internal consistency has been verified using Cronbach's Alpha, with results consistently exceeding the acceptable threshold of .70 and even reaching the "gold standard" of .80 for several types. Inter-item correlation analysis further supports the reliability and internal structure of the iEQ9.

Construct validity has been established through Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), confirming that the iEQ9 items load onto the intended nine-factor structure representing the Enneagram types. The iEQ9 has also been compared to the well-established Five Factor Model (FFM) of personality, revealing statistically significant correlations that align with theoretical expectations.

The Scientific Rigor Behind the iEQ9

To ensure the utmost confidence in the iEQ9's statistical properties, Integrative9 engaged two independent statisticians, Dr. Alan Bostrom and Dr. Liezel Korf, to conduct thorough reviews of the iEQ9 data. Both experts affirmed the assessment's reliability and construct validity.

Integrative9's commitment to scientific rigor extends beyond the initial validation process. They continuously monitor the iEQ9's performance, interviewing individuals to refine items and improve the test's accuracy. This ongoing dedication to improvement ensures that the iEQ9 remains a trusted and cutting-edge tool for Enneagram assessment.

The Mechanics of the iEQ9 Enneagram Test

The iEQ9 Enneagram Test integrates advanced technology and psychological expertise to provide deep insights into an individual's Enneagram profile. The iEQ9 utilizes sophisticated algorithms and AI-driven analytics to deliver personalized insights into an individual's personality structure. For example, the test employs machine learning to continuously refine its type detection accuracy based on a growing database of verified Enneagram profiles.

The iEQ9 Test offers a multi-aspected assessment of the Enneagram's key dimensions. It evaluates an individual's core type, wing influences, instinctual subtypes, and levels of development, providing a detailed portrait of their unique personality configuration. For instance, the test might identify an individual as a Type 6 with a 5 wing, a self-preservation subtype, and a moderate level of integration.

As individuals engage with the iEQ9, they are guided through a carefully curated sequence of questions and prompts, each designed to illuminate a different facet of their personality. As they respond, the iEQ9's advanced algorithms analyze their input, discerning patterns, tendencies, and key characteristics that align with specific Enneagram types and subtypes.

The Mechanics of the iEQ9 Enneagram Test

The iEQ9 is a dynamic system that leverages machine learning to refine its personality insights continuously. By analyzing large datasets and incorporating the latest research in personality psychology and predictive modeling, the iEQ9 achieves a high level of precision and nuance in its assessments. For example, the test might identify subtle differences in the behavioral patterns of two individuals who share the same core Enneagram type but have different wing influences and instinctual subtypes.

The iEQ9 report provides a impressive analysis of an individual's Enneagram profile, integrating insights about their core type, wing influences, dominant instinct, and level of integration. The report offers a cohesive narrative that captures the complexity of their unique personality structure, highlighting key strengths, challenges, and growth opportunities. For instance, the report might emphasize an individual's natural leadership abilities as a Type 8 (The Active Challenger) while also noting their potential for becoming overly controlling under stress.

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What is in the iEQ9 Enneagram Professional Report?

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Enneagram Professional

USD 120

Enneagram test, 42 page personality profile

How does your unique profile affect you in the workplace and how can you be more effective?

Your personalised Professional Report explores themes like Communication, Leadership and Teamwork and is widely used in business and corporate environments.

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What's included?

Core Enneagram Types

Core Enneagram Types Do you want to get to know yourself better? Identifying your Enneagram Type will help you understand your unique thinking, feeling, and acting patterns. Working with your Type empowers you to take responsibility for your behaviours and growth through a greater understanding of why you act and react the way you do.

Motivation, Behaviour, Psychodynamics

Motivation, Behaviour, Psychodynamics Much more than just a personality profile that tells us how we might behave, the Enneagram highlights the underlying motivations, defence mechanisms, and fears buried in the unconscious layers of the psyche. The Enneagram unlocks potential and change from a deeper level that connects to personal values by enabling us to understand the motivational patterns that drive us.

Blindspots, Strengths and Challenges

Blindspots, Strengths and Challenges Discover your natural strengths which arise from your internal worldview or perspective. This section helps you tap into and appreciate your Enneagram Type's strengths and positive aspects. When harnessed healthily and balanced, these strengths will support your well-being, goals and relationships. No development journey should ignore weaknesses.

Centers of Expression

Centers of Expression The Centers of Expression relate to how we show up in the world and how we are likely to be perceived by others. There are three Centers of Expression: Thinking, Feeling and Acting. Exploring the Centers helps you to understand how you process external stimuli, make decisions, and express yourself in relationships. This section identifies your dominant Center and those less prominently expressed, illuminating your primary life strategies.

Triadic Center Styles

Triadic Center Styles There is a particular way in which you engage with your feelings, actions and thoughts, which is flavoured by your Enneagram Profile. You may be most aware of this when you are triggered, confused or when you realise that your gut says one thing, your head another, and your heart something else. The combination of these three gives your personality a different way of expression. Observing and becoming aware of each Center's energy flow can benefit your development and growth.

27 Subtypes

27 Subtypes When your dominant Instinct merges with your core Enneagram Type, the two together is known as your Subtype. Subtypes sheds light on why people with the same Enneagram Type, can behave in different ways. Grasping your Subtype can create an instrumental, detailed and nuanced description of your personality and offers meaningful shifts and targeted development paths.


Wing-Influence Wing Influence refers to the Enneagram Types adjacent to your core Type, known as your "Wings". While you typically engage both Wings, one is often more dominant for most people. This section details how each Wing can shape your personality and behaviour.

Self-Awareness and Integration

Self-Awareness and Integration This section reveals your level of integration, indicating the degree to which you're living on 'autopilot' or in a state of self- awareness. For many people, discovering their Enneagram Type is a turning point, as they see for the first time how their Ego has been limiting them and how disconnected they may be from their true Essence. The path of Integrative with the Enneagram is a journey back to Essence, escaping the limitations of personality and connecting to a more unlimited, liberated self.

Strain Levels

Strain Levels Your strain profile reflects your subjective sense of how much stress you experienced at a point in time across five domains: Interpersonal Strain, Environmental Strain, Psychological Strain, Physical Strain, Vocational Strain, and Happiness.

Lines of Tension and Release

Lines of Tension and Release The Enneagram is much more than nine points or a set of categories or Types. It is a rich, complex psychodynamic framework that provides a powerful model for understanding how people operate, develop and integrate. The Enneagram Lines offer rich potential for exploration and development, as they offer balance and fresh resources to a person's core Type.


Communication The ability to communicate effectively is one of the critical competencies for professional success. Look at your listening habits, verbal communication style, non-verbal cues (body language) and written communication tendencies. Communication style includes your Meta-Message, the underlying message you may be communicating to others--a message people can notice from your tone, content, and intention.

Giving and Receiving Feedback

Giving and Receiving Feedback Gain insight into your style of giving and receiving feedback--a critical link in the chain of professional performance improvement and effectiveness. It guides you on harnessing your strengths while conveying constructive information, alerts you about potential pitfalls to avoid and anticipates your reactions when faced with challenging messages from others.

Feedback Guide for all Types

Feedback Guide for all Types Everyone seeks effective methods to deliver "constructive criticism" to individuals distinct from us. This section furnishes you with tailored advice on your communication style, offering prompt guidelines to refine, adjust, and strategize your approach to providing feedback to people of known types.

Conflict and Triggers

Conflict and Triggers We all respond to conflict differently and have different triggers that induce conflict. By understanding your response to conflict and potential triggers, you can develop your unique conflict resolution strategies. Once you become aware of your unhelpful and destructive patterns, rather than reacting blindly to triggers, you can begin working towards a more grounded, intentional response to these situations.

Decision Making

Decision Making The report comprehensively analyses the interplay between your Center of Intelligence, Enneagram Type, and level of Strain. This synthesis provides nuanced insights into how these key aspects shape your ability to make decisions. It investigates your decision-making tendencies informed by your Enneagram traits and dominant Center of Expression, to help you better understand and optimise your decision-making strategies.

Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management The Strategic Leadership section delivers insights into your leadership style, exploring facets like vision development, strategic thinking, assessing group alignment with goals, and managing organisational change. Uncover your strengths and areas for growth as a leader.

Team Behaviour

Team Behaviour Your behaviour in a team is the basis of discovering your preferred role in the team, as well as what your impact is on your team's achievements. This section examines how you function at the 4 Stages of Team maturity, your impact on the team, and your preferred goals and team role.

Coaching Relationships

Coaching Relationships The Coaching Relationship section provides insights into your dynamics within a coaching context. Whether you have a business or life coach, or plan to engage one, this segment guides you towards enhancing these interactions.

Free vs. Paid Enneagram Assessments

Free vs. Paid Enneagram Assessments

When one looks for the ideal personality assessment, individuals often face a choice between free, readily available Enneagram tests and more in depth, scientifically validated instruments like the iEQ9. While free assessments can provide a basic introduction to the Enneagram framework, they often lack the depth, precision, and reliability of their paid counterparts.

Free Enneagram tests, though appealing in their accessibility, often suffer from significant limitations in scope and methodology. Many rely on overly simplistic question sets and generic type descriptions, failing to capture the nuance and complexity inherent in the Enneagram system. As a result, individuals may receive superficial or even misleading results, leading to a fragmented or distorted understanding of their personality structure.

In polar opposites, the iEQ9 provides a comprehensive, accurate, and personalized assessment of an individual's Enneagram profile. The test leverages advanced research and analytics to deliver in-depth insights into the intricacies of an individual's personality configuration. For example, the iEQ9 utilizes item response theory (IRT) to calibrate its questions and ensure a high level of measurement precision across the full spectrum of Enneagram types and subtypes.

The iEQ9's commitment to depth and precision is evident in its granular analysis of Enneagram type, wing influences, instinctual subtypes, and levels of development. This multidimensional approach ensures that individuals receive a nuanced, holistic sense-making framework of their personality structure – one that goes beyond surface-level traits to explore the complex interplay of motivations, fears, and growth opportunities that shape their lived experience.

The iEQ9's scientific validation process distinguishes it from free assessments. The test is grounded in a robust empirical foundation and undergoes continuous psychometric evaluation to ensure its reliability, validity, and predictive accuracy. For instance, the iEQ9 has been normed on a diverse sample of over 10,000 individuals across multiple cultures and has demonstrated strong measurement invariance, meaning that it assesses the same constructs consistently across different demographic groups.

Investing in a holistic assessment like the iEQ9 is an investment in self-discovery and personal growth. The test provides individuals with the in-depth insights and personalized guidance needed to navigate their inner world, cultivate self-awareness, and reach their full potential. For example, the iEQ9 report includes coaching tips to recognize your blindspots and work with your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.

Begin Your Path to Self-Discovery with the iEQ9 Enneagram Test

Discover the personal growth potential of the iEQ9 Enneagram Test

Discover the personal growth potential of the iEQ9 Enneagram Test:

  • Potent Tool for Self-Discovery: The iEQ9 provides an in-depth look at your personality, offering a detailed and holistic view of your unique traits and behaviors.
  • Enhanced with Expert Guidance: Working with a certified Enneagram coach can significantly enhance your experience, turning deep insights into actionable life strategies.
Discover the personal growth potential of the iEQ9 Enneagram Test
Benefits of Engaging an Enneagram Coach:

Benefits of Engaging an Enneagram Coach:

  • Personalized Support: Coaches deliver tailored guidance that aligns with your personal needs, challenges, and goals, enhancing your journey of personal growth.
  • Dynamic Interactions: A coach helps you understand the complexities of your personality, offering new perspectives and a deeper knowing of your Enneagram profile.
  • Practical Application: Coaches connect the dots between self-awareness and real-world results, helping you to leverage your strengths and tackle challenges more effectively.
  • Collaborative Exploration: The coaching relationship is a mutual journey that encourages deep reflection and personal exploration, creating a supportive environment for significant personal changes.
Key Features of the iEQ9 Enneagram Test

Key Features of the iEQ9 Enneagram Test:

  • Multi-faceted and Nuanced: The iEQ9 offers a detailed look at your personality, examining your core type, wing influences, instinctual drives, and integration levels.
  • Developmental Perspective: The iEQ9 goes beyond static personality tests by emphasizing growth and evolution, providing a roadmap for conscious personal change.
  • Cross-Cultural Relevance: The Enneagram's insights are universally relevant, transcending cultural, age, and lifestyle differences to offer deep, applicable insights.
  • Motivational Insights: It uncovers the motivations, fears, and desires that influence your actions, offering deeper insights than typical trait-based models.
Key Features of the iEQ9 Enneagram Test

The iEQ9 Enneagram Test is a powerful tool for self-discovery that can help you gain a more authentic understanding of yourself and your unique path to personal growth. By providing detailed insights into your personality structure and offering guidance for development, the iEQ9 can support you in living a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

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Personalized Guidance for Accelerated Growth

Personalized Guidance for Accelerated Growth

The iEQ9 is more than just a tool for self-knowledge; it is designed to facilitate personal growth and self-actualization. The test provides tailored development paths based on your specific Enneagram profile, offering a clear roadmap for personal transformation. For example, if you are identified as an Enneagram Type 9, the iEQ9 might suggest practices for developing assertiveness and setting healthier boundaries to support your growth.

One of the key advantages of the iEQ9 is its ability to provide personalized guidance that adapts to your evolving needs and circumstances. As you grow and change over time, the iEQ9's advanced algorithms and machine learning capabilities allow it to refine its recommendations, ensuring that the insights and suggestions you receive remain relevant and actionable. For instance, if you have made significant progress in developing your self-confidence as a Type 6, the iEQ9 may adjust its guidance to focus on new areas for growth, such as cultivating greater trust in yourself and others.

Beyond its impact on individual growth, the iEQ9 has the potential to grow positive change on a larger scale. By helping individuals develop greater self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills, the iEQ9 contributes to building a more compassionate and interconnected world. When we deeply understand ourselves and others, we are better equipped to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts constructively, and collaborate towards shared goals.

If you are ready to invest in your personal growth and self-discovery, the iEQ9 Enneagram Test is a powerful starting point. With its depth of insight, precision, and commitment to ongoing development, the iEQ9 can be a transformative process for anyone seeking to live a more authentic, purposeful, and fulfilling life. By joining the growing community of individuals who have experienced the benefits of the iEQ9 firsthand, you can tap into a wealth of wisdom and support to accelerate your own journey of personal evolution.


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  • Daniels, D., & Price, V. (2009). The essential enneagram: The definitive personality test and self-discovery guide -- Revised and updated. HarperOne.
  • Duffey, T., & Haberstroh, S. (2013). Developmental relational counseling: Applications of the Enneagram in facilitating self-awareness and psychological growth. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 8(4), 376-394.
  • Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books.
  • Lapid-Bogda, G. (2010). Bringing out the best in yourself at work: How to use the Enneagram system for success. McGraw-Hill.
  • Levine, J. (1999). The Enneagram intelligences: Understanding personality for effective teaching and learning. Bergin & Garvey.
  • Palmer, H. (1991). The Enneagram: Understanding yourself and the others in your life. HarperSanFrancisco.
  • Riso, D. R., & Hudson, R. (1999). The wisdom of the Enneagram: The complete guide to psychological and spiritual growth for the nine personality types. Bantam Books.
  • Schultz, D. P., & Schultz, S. E. (2012). Theories of personality (10th ed.). Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.
  • Tolk, L. S. (2006). Integrating the Enneagram and schema therapy: Bringing the soul into psychotherapy. The Enneagram Journal, 1, 112-136.
  • Wagner, J. (2001). Nine lenses on the world: The Enneagram perspective. Enneagram Studies and Applications.