Enneagram Faculty and Trainers

The Integrative Faculty is a group of Enneagram international experts. They provide professional training for coaches and OD practitioners in the Enneagram, accreditation and iEQ9 products worldwide.

Dirk Cloete Dirk Cloete
Founder and CEO

Dirk Cloete is the founder of Integrative Enneagram Solutions, a global Organizational Development and Coaching solutions provider. He has blended his passion for the Enneagram and deep understanding of software technology to reinvent the way we develop people and to bring the uniqueness and humanity back into organizations. Dirk trained directly with Claudio Naranjo (4 years, SAT 1,2,3,4 Balzac, 27 Subtypes), Ginger Lapid-Bogda, Beatrice Chestnut, Jerry Wagner, Uranio Paes, Wendy Apple, David Daniels, Russ Hudson, Claus Roager and Positive Psychology with Kathleen Stinnett. His passion is bringing communities together to share and learn and in 2014, 2016 and 2019 he conceptualised, organized and hosted the International Enneagram Conferences attended by +200 international delegates and presenters. Dirk served on the Board of Directors of the International Enneagram Association and presented at several IEA Enneagram Conferences. He is a member of the Enneagram in Business Network.

Renate Landman Renate Landman
Cape Town - South Africa

Renate is a consultant, facilitator, inspirational speaker and executive coach. She facilitates a variety of interventions in organization development, including leadership development, team effectiveness, communication skills, personal development and strategy. She also lectures in team development and facilitation skills. As a master trainer for several international programmes, Renate trains facilitators as far afield as the UK, Europe and Australia. In her weekly radio programme, A Planet Called Work, she discusses work-related issues.

Michelle Bennetts Michelle Bennetts
Johannesburg - South Africa

Michelle is trained in the Enneagram and coaches executives around the globe and offers bespoke talks, workshops and transformation interventions, giving an insightful and useful approach to uplifting the individual while inspiring company wellness and productivity. She is a highly experienced facilitator, speaker, management development coach and Enneagram specialist. With 18 years' experience in training and facilitation, Michelle brings confidence to the classroom. A former stage performer, she is a natural at captivating and engaging with audiences. As a result, she is a sought-after trainer and speaker in the corporate and education sectors.

Karl Hebenstreit Karl Hebenstreit
San Francisco - USA

Karl, Ph.D., PHR, ACC has over twenty years of expertise in the areas of Human Resources and Organization Development. He is the author of the Enneagram book "The How and Why: Taking care of Business with the Enneagram". His clients range from individual contributors to SVPs being coached in interpersonal effectiveness/EQ, strategic thinking, professional growth/development, team-building, and new leadership role integration. He received his Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology from California School of Professional Psychology, his MS in Human Resource Management from Rutgers Graduate School of Management and Labor Relations, his BA in Psychology, French, and Political Science from Rutgers College, and his ICF coaching certification from Fielding Graduate University.

Diane Ring Diane Ring
Austin, Texas - USA

Diane is a seasoned Enneagram practitioner. Using the IEQ, she has coached and trained hundreds of executives, business leaders and teams. She has 20 years of extensive executive coaching experience and owns a leadership development and executive coaching firm in Austin, Texas. Her high-profile clients include executives, managers and technical professionals from small and private businesses to publicly traded, global Fortune 1000 companies. Diane's comprehensive studies in the Enneagram include training at the Enneagram Institute and with Beatrice Chestnut, Uranio Paes and numerous other Enneagram thought leaders since 2002. She is an accredited IEA professional, holds a certificate in the foundations of NeuroLeadership from the NeuroLeadership Institute and is currently completing the Leadership Maturity Framework Coaching Certification. Client feedback consistently shows appreciation for Diane's approach to development that includes a deep understanding of underlying motivations and behaviour-focused change process as well as her inspiring, compassionate support that achieves bottom-line results.

Susanne Povelsen Susanne Povelsen
Copenhagen - Denmark

Susanne is a certified coach, Enneagram trainer, psychotherapist, NLP master, certified PREP-teacher (Preventional Relationship Enhancement Program) and Couple Check-up facilitator. She has 20 years' experience with the Enneagram, and 25 years' experience with personal development work. She is the author of The Enneagram and The Enneagram - in short (in Danish) and Board Member of the IEA Global Board 2010-2014 (International Affairs, Affiliates and Accreditation). Susanne trained at The Enneagram Institute Riso and Hudson, Enneagram Exploration and Integrative Enneagram Solution. She has also trained with, among others, Tom Condon, Uranio Paes, Beatrice Chestnut and Michael Goldberg.

Natacha Ciezkowski Natacha Ciezkowski
Brussels - Belgium

Natacha is een gepassioneerde Professional Certified Coach (ICF) getraind in Enneagram, NLP, Systemiek en vele andere domeinen zoals identiteits- en leiderschapscoaching. Haar purpose is coachees begeleiden en inspireren in het stap voor stap (her)ontdekken van hun echte kern en zo hun ware potentieel te ontsluiten. Ze gelooft dat hoe meer facetten mensen blootleggen van hun typische zijn, des te beter ze kunnen ontwikkelen op hun (professionele) levenspad. Natacha startte haar carrière in research, zowel als doctoraatsstudent als in de media, en ging dan verder als communicatiestrateeg en copywriter in de reclamewereld. Ze heeft 20 jaar ervaring als creatieve schrijver in persuasieve communicatie en ondernemer. Natacha is een creativiteits-, inspiratie- en motivatiebooster en ontwikkelt dolgraag Enneagram-gebaseerde tools voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling.

Vicki Shaw Vicki Shaw
Cape Town - South Africa

Vicki has spent over 18 years in the corporate arena culminating in CEO roles in dynamic start-up businesses, including HBD Venture Capital, the Shuttleworth Foundation and Center for Conscious Leadership. Today Vicki co-owns Lifecycles Personal Development, a leadership development company. She coaches and facilitates individuals, teams and executive teams. Vicki brings a strong understanding of strategy and organizational dynamics to executive and management coaching relationships as well as experience in mentoring teams in all operational disciplines. She holds a BA in Applied Psychology, a marketing degree from the IMM and an MBA from the University of Hull in the UK. She has completed the CTI Co-Active Coaching course and is a member of the International Coaching Federation.

Yuliya Schamrel Yuliya Schamrel
Auckland - New Zealand

Yuliya is a trained Enneagram coach and practitioner. She has a proven track record of using Enneagram for leaders in sales, marketing, human resources and finance, to deliver long-lasting results of sustained change and improved performance. A transformational coach and a visual facilitator, she implicitly and explicitly uses Enneagram in her individual coaching and team dynamics workshops. Yuliya has worked with the Enneagram in South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and Russia and has seen growth and transformational change in both teams and individuals.

Hayden Lee Hayden Lee
Los Angeles - USA

Hayden Lee, MCC, is an Executive Life and Leadership Coach. Founder of Hayden Lee Coaching International and Co-Founder of Master Mind Institute. An industry expert and chosen as one of the "Top 20 Best Life Coaches in Los Angeles," in 2018, 2019, and 2020 by Expertise.com. Hayden works with high achieving, highly motivated, and highly committed executives, leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals who are ready to make the changes needed for exponential growth in their personal and professional lives. When Hayden coaches leaders from Fortune 500 and Forbes 500 companies he incorporates the iEQ9 to deepen awareness, which then drastically improves communication and productivity at the team level, and sets the foundation for organization transform. He trained and mentored hundreds of coaches worldwide.

Lee Freemantle Lee Freemantle
Cape Town - South Africa

Lee has over 26 years' experience as a consultant, coach and facilitator. Lee is a certified Enneagram practitioner and global trainer. She holds a Master's degree in Industrial Psychology, an advanced qualification in Leading through Relationships and is a certified CTI Co-Active Coaching (UK) coach. Lee's expertise is in working with senior executives and groups to develop their capacity for insight, choice and action around their most difficult issues and to enable more conscious choices, co-ordinated action and sustainable business results. Lee has coached extensively at CEO and senior management level and is currently working with teenagers to uncover their individual leadership styles and relevant career options.

Kathleen Stinnett Kathleen Stinnett
Santa Barbara - USA

Kathleen brings over 20 years' experience in working with individuals and teams to improve performance, engagement and results. Working as a master coach, consultant, and facilitator, she has coached leaders and facilitated workshops for thousands of individuals at all levels of organizations, nationally and internationally. Considered a "coach's coach", clients describe her as an energetic, positive force and role model. Kathleen founded FutureLaunch, an organization that provides training, consulting and coaching services to organizations and individuals. She co-authored the book, The Extraordinary Coach.

Claus Roager Claus Roager
Copenhagen - Denmark

Claus Roager Olsen taught the Enneagram to more than 500,000 people in Denmark and Internationally. He is known for his unique teaching style which is interactive, attentive, empathetic, humorous, motivational and confrontational - but always with great respect. Claus has a background in management and sales and today runs his own school Enneagramstedet, which he founded in 2012. Claus works mainly with large companies in Denmark and regularly presents at international Enneagram conferences.

Claus completed more than 2700 iEQ9 Individual and Team reports since 2012, he is our biggest client and Enneagram supporter globally.

Marianna Meyer Marianna Meyer
Cape Town - South Africa

Marianna is an Executive and Life Development Coach whose passion for human development fuels, and is at the heart of her work. Synthesised and integrated from the best of Eastern and Western thinking, eclectically selected knowledge from different disciplines have been included in the Whole Systems Intelligence Coaching Model(r) that she developed during a coaching masters study with Middlesex University. A Master Coach with 18 years coaching experience in business and private contexts, the Enneagram is central to her offerings. Marianna serves as faculty of Integrative Enneagram Solutions' accreditation process.

Sandra Arndt Sandra Arndt
Frankfurt - Germany

Sandra, a medical doctor by background, is an experienced Consultant, Senior HR Professional and Executive Coach (PCC) with over 20 years of experience in management consulting and leadership development, combining a strong international quantitative business background with a profound insight into the human experience. Various leadership roles across different regions and continents allowed her true cultural immersion, having lived and worked out of Frankfurt/D, London/GB, Riyadh/KSA, and Singapore. Her "brain-based coaching" approach is rooted in neuro-scientific research of the human mind and its application. Adopting the Socratic approach, combined with positive psychology and the basics of ACT (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy), she leverages the Enneagram as a tool for deeper self-awareness, creating a safe space for personal growth and transformation of leaders and teams. As an "Enneagram Ambassador" she enjoys contributing to the German, regional and global community of practitioners.

Thomas Yaccino Thomas Yaccino
Chicago - USA

Tom is a certified ACC coach, consultant, trainer and global connector with over 30 years working globally in the humanitarian and international relief and development sector. He is professionally trained and practically experienced in: the coaching and mentoring of executive leaders, community development activists and practitioners, social entrepreneurs and global change agents that are dedicated to the practice and promotion of transformative disruptive change for the common good. He has catalyzed both regional and global networks for good among NGOs, popular educators, social entrepreneurs and community organizers. In his coaching and consulting practice Tom implements the enneagram with high level corporate and organizational leaders as well as grassroots and professional relief and development practitioners in their personal, vocational and leadership formation and development consulting with clients across Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, the US the Middle East as well as the UK. He is a cross cultural coach and consultant specializing in Latin America and the Caribbean. Tom is fluent in Spanish and will be leading the training in the Latin American regional context.

Monika Steimle Monika Steimle
Berlin - Germany

Monika Steimle is an Executive Coach and Purpose Guide for Leaders and Organizations who build and foster purpose-led, human-centered businesses and cultures. She is a certified Enneagram Coach and avid practitioner who has been using the integrative Enneagram iEQ9 in her coaching for the past decade. She is also certified Enneagram practitioner in the Narrative Tradition and the Enneagram has been a companion on her own personal development journey for many decades. As the first certified True Purpose(r) Coach in Germany, she is guiding individual leaders, small groups and organizations to find their higher purpose and the unique transformational impact they can have and to manifest this purpose in their life and organizations. Her corporate background and experience over the past two decades make her uniquely qualified to guide and mentor business leaders where true transformation is called for. Monika Steimle was a human resources and organizational development leader who partnered with business leaders in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific to build high performing leadership teams. She brings a wealth of experience in people strategy, growing global organizations across diverse cultures and values-led leadership teams.

 Jim McPartlin Jim McPartlin
New York - USA

Jim McPartlin is a consultant, leadership coach and a recognized authority on using the Enneagram to understand interpersonal workplace relationships. Over the past 20 years, Jim has taught hundreds of courses on the Enneagram and understanding emotional intelligence and has delivered keynote speeches and seminars on this topic across the globe. He actively works as a professional coach with clients ranging from the C-suite of companies such as American Express and Chanel in New York to the entertainment industry in Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Jim’s book, The Enneagram at Work: Unlocking the Power of Type to Lead and Succeed, was first published in the fall of 2021.
